Page 5 - Metrolinx
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The building is open concept and has a large open-air glass enclosed atrium, which allows for plenty of
                              natural lighting and views from all three levels of the garage. (Brian Main photo)

        public transit system that gets people where they
        want to go that much faster.”
                                                                   Bloomington GO Transit
                                                                   Station Infrastructure
        “We are so proud to open the new Bloomington

        GO, which will deliver even more transit options in

        York Region,” said Phil Verster, President and CEO
        of Metrolinx. “Our customers will have access to a

        brand-new station building with amenities that will

        keep them safe as they travel on GO Transit and will
        support future growth in the region.”
                                                                   We are a global architecture,
                                                                   engineering, planning, and
                                                                   technology firm creating the       Designing the
        The station doesn’t simply sit in isolation,               intelligent systems, sustainable   EXPERIENCE
                                                                   buildings, and efficient             Enabling a
        says Nitish Bissonauth, Metrolinx bilingual                infrastructure of tomorrow.  CONNECTED FUTURE

        spokesperson. “It’s part of a complex, important and
        evolving system connecting GO Transit vehicles and

        routes to destinations and other transit options

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