Page 7 - Soogadin Services LP
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for our members.”  The Nation’s revenues come           meaningful employment and development

        mainly from business profits, land rent, property       opportunities. They believe this approach creates

        taxes, industry grants and business interests.          long term value for its business and for customers,
        Only a marginal amount comes from provincial or         who operate within the same communities, says

        federal funding. Brock will be looking to identify      Smits.  Year to date in 2021, over half of Soogadin’s
        opportunities with Fort McKay to further establish      corporate and project expenses have been incurred

        office, shop space, laydown and storage, vehicle        locally and three quarters of those have also been

        maintenance as well as fabrication opportunities as     indigenous-owned or partially-owned companies.
        they may arise.

                                                                “We strive to provide reliable data to projects,
        Indigenous and local stakeholder engagement is          clients, and enterprise stakeholders to support

        very important to Soogadin. Smits says the goal         project excellence, cost optimization and

        has always been to become part of the fabric of         competitive advantage,” says Smits. “Project
        the communities in which the company and First          Controls promotes this objective by using available

        Nation work. In general, this means supporting          technologies to increase transparency and

        local business suppliers, establishing community        communicate information regarding a project’s
        ties, and engaging the local workforce by offering      health and status, both internally and externally.

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