Page 7 - Big Lakes County
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Ken Matthews, Reeve
“Over the course of 25 years, the estimated cost Matthews says that while the recognition is nice,
recovery of the project and utility bills happens at being able to adequately serve the growing summer
year 15 with the last 10 years creating revenue to sell population is the accomplishment they are proud
back to the grid,” says Matthews. “So, 10 years of of. “In the summer, the hamlet roughly gets 10 times
savings of utility costs for the main administration larger in population so there is a large demand
and shop building.” come lake season.”
THE JOUSSARD WATER The new Joussard Water Treatment Plant, which will
TREATMENT PLANT supply the Hamlet of Joussard and the surrounding
rural residents with a more reliable and sustainable
The Joussard Water Treatment Plant is another water supply, is now fully operational. The County
jewel in the County’s crown, gaining the Award of was able to complete this project with the help of
Excellence at the Consulting Engineers of Alberta two grants: The Government of Canada’s Clean
Showcase Awards. Water Wastewater Fund, which contributed $1.2
million, and the provincial government’s Alberta
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