Page 9 - Faro Mine Remediation Project
P. 9

Cross Valley Pond (CVP), CVP Treatment Plant, tailings area and the Intermediate Dam. (Photo Credit- Dave Hrabchuk, Parsons Inc.)

        The remediation process begins with ensuring the        Board (YESAB), an independent arms-length body.
        site’s safety, stability and security to the extent     While the plan is being assessed, necessary

        possible, in its current state.  The project proceeds   construction and infrastructure upgrades and

        through consultation and permitting processes           urgent works are being undertaken.  In addition to
        before formal remediation begins.  Ongoing              civil engineers maintaining site infrastructure such

        environmental monitoring ensures that systems           as roads, buildings, dams and stream channels,

        are working as they were designed, so that the site     there is a larger group of environmental engineers,
        remains compliant with environmental health and         biologists and other environmental professionals

        safety regulations.  CIRNAC manages all related         involved in the project.
        agreements and contracts.

                                                                Among other things, these team members monitor

        The complexity of the project is reflected in the       water quality through hundreds of data points every
        remediation plan’s over fourteen-thousand-page          month, ensuring contaminated water is collected

        length. It is currently under review by the Yukon       and treated before it leaves the site, meeting all
        Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment             environmental standards. For example, the

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