Page 3 - Mohawk College New Centre For Aviation Technology
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anada’s newest aviation training facility is access to nearly 20 aircraft, the Centre doubles the
preparing students for a smooth take-off. enrolment capacity of Mohawk’s aviation programs
CThe Mohawk College Centre for Aviation to a total of 350 seats.
Technology (CAT) opened in Hamilton, Ontario on
February 9, 2021. “We are excited to have our students training in
this impressive new facility. And we are grateful to
In previous years, students in the Aviation all of the industry partners who have supported us
Technician – Maintenance, Aircraft Structure, and in this huge project,” said Ron McKerlie, President
Avionics Maintenance programs were trained at and CEO of Mohawk College. “With this state-of-
four separate College locations. The new 75,000 the-art training facility and the innovative training
square-foot complex brings future technicians equipment we can now offer our students, we are
together for the first time in a purpose-built facility confident Mohawk College will soon become one
at John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport. of the top aviation training colleges in Canada. We
Housed in a three-story airside hanger and featuring look forward to supporting the local and national
modern labs, shops, classrooms, training aids, and aviation industry, as companies reinforce their
Photos Provided by Mohawk College
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