Page 8 - Lullaboo Nursery and Childcare Center
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Heartland Campus

        This successful expansion—five-year revenue             VIBRANT COMMUNITIES
        growth of 262 per cent—was noticed by Canadian          FOR CHILDREN

        Business, landing them on the 19th spot of the

        500 of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies in
                                                                Lullaboo focussed on markets with attributes
        2019. “This achievement reflects the strength of
                                                                that attract families and are filled with vibrant
        our service and the dedication of our team,” says
                                                                communities for children. “Taking the time to
        Halim Mikhael. “Our growth strategy was always
                                                                personally visit neighbourhoods and observe
        based on increasing the supply of childcare in
                                                                surroundings of each new site is crucial to site
        Ontario organically through new licensed spaces.
                                                                selection,” says Mikhael. “However, growth doesn’t
        In our view, creating purpose driven, high quality
                                                                just come from picking the right locations. The
        environments must start from a blank canvass.”
                                                                organization has to be prepared to scale. As tasks
                                                                increased and jobs were created, the structure

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