Page 4 - Stack Modular
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Stack accesses its global supply chain and              Buildings are produced in “modules” that, when

        logistics expertise to manufacture the most             put together on site, reflect the identical design
        economic modular steel structures on the market,        intent and specifications of the most sophisticated

        delivering modules finished with some of the best       site-built facility without compromise. Structurally,

        construction products, fixtures and furnishings on      modular buildings are generally stronger than
        the global market today.                                conventional construction because each module is

                                                                engineered to independently withstand the rigours
        WHAT IS MODULAR                                         of transportation and craning onto foundations.


                                                                “Once together and sealed, the modules become

        “Modular construction is a process in which a           one integrated wall, floor, and roof assembly.
        building is constructed off-site under controlled       Building off-site facilitates better construction

        plant conditions, using the same materials, and         quality management,” says Higgins. Materials that

        designed to the same codes and standards as             are delivered to the plant location are safely and
        conventionally built facilities—but in 25 to 50 per     securely stored in the manufacturer’s warehouse to

        cent less time,” says Jon Higgins, VP Construction,     prevent damage or deterioration from moisture and
        Stack Modular.                                          the elements. Manufacturing plants have stringent

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