Page 6 - STM- Côte-Vertu garage project
P. 6

The maintenance shop is located more than seven stories underground, in the tunnel where maintenance work on rolling stock is conducted.

        building with seven of the storeys underground and      allow for changing train trajectory according to
        the construction site is one of the largest worksites   operational, maintenance and parking needs. This

        in Montreal, involving a great number of different      new garage is connected to Côte-Vertu station
        trades and more than three hundred workers every        (terminus).”

        day (day and night shift).

                                                                From a technological perspective, Paquet says
        “The excavation and concrete work has been              STM opted for installation on independent twin-

        completed,” says Paquet. “This new major                blocks, which are precast concrete structures onto

        infrastructure is built 25 metres below ground level.   which the rails, running racks, insulators and guide
        The garage includes a 1.5 km double track tunnel        bars are installed. Compared with conventional

        8 metres wide by 5 metres high in the shape of a        installation, where the tracks are anchored directly

        horseshoe also including a pit on pilings for train     to the structural slab, the new method of installation
        maintenance. The infrastructure includes three          on blocks offers several advantages, including

        (3) auxiliary structures (workshop, emergency exit      quicker installation, greater durability and less
        and ventilation infrastructure). The garage includes    maintenance, all of which result in long-term

        a shunting hub with several track switches that         savings.

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