Page 3 - NCC Investment Group
P. 3

HISTORY OF GIANT MINE                                   about 50 years. Gold at Giant Mine was found in
           ncorporated in 1995 as part of the
           formation of the new Canadian                        specific minerals called arsenopyrite ore. To release

       Iterritory, NCC was formed to build, own,                the gold, the ore had to be roasted at extremely
        Gold was first discovered by prospectors in the
        and lease commercial and residential                    high temperatures. Unfortunately, this roasting
        Yellowknife area in 1896 in the rush of the Klondike
        infrastructure required by the Government               process also released arsenic rich gas, a highly toxic
        Gold Rush. It wasn’t until the arrival of bush planes
        of Nunavut.                                             by-product.
        that the area became accessible and mining started,
                                                                During its operation, the mine produced 237,000
        precipitating a gold rush that went unabated
        Clarence Synard, who moved to Iqaluit in                tonnes of arsenic trioxide waste.
        except for during the years of WWII—the longest
        1995 and has been with NCC Investment
        continuous gold mining operations in Canadian
        Group Inc. since 2005, is the current Chief             Flash forward to the 1990s. After the mine changed
        mining history.
        Executive Officer (CEO). We spoke with                  ownership through the years, Royal Oak Resources

        Synard about the history of NCC and how                 Ltd. purchased the mine to become its final private
        Giant Mine has also formed a legacy of
        it is shaping the future of Nunavut.                    owner. When Royal Oak went into receivership in
        contamination. Giant Mine was in full operation for

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