Page 4 - Power Worker's Union
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day, our knowledgeable PWU Union Staff who should be a critical element of planning for Canada’s
advise and represent our Members, and ourr future low-carbon energy infrastructure requirements,
progressive and respective leadership team at the says Parnell. Ontario’s low-carbon nuclear generation
helm of the PWU.” assets are well positioned to produce clean, low-cost
hydrogen that will support fuel-switching in other
The PWU also stands out for its ability to be sectors of the economy. Analysis shows that building
adaptive, recognizing the changes in the electricity new nuclear in Ontario is the best long-term solution
sector and have embraced them. This has allowed for reducing emissions in the province.
the PWU to continue to grow and provide the best
representation to its Members and to become “Nuclear is also well-suited as the foundation for
leaders in the advocacy of the province’s electricity an integrated low-carbon technology package
sector. that includes distributed storage capabilities and
electrolytic hydrogen production,” he says. “This
ONTARIO’S ENVIRONMENTAL kind of integrated low-carbon solution facilitates the
STEWARDSHIP phased elimination of Ontario’s natural gas generation
and reduces the total generation capacity required by
Ontario’s electrification-driven electricity demand the system, further reducing costs.”
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