Page 5 - The Town of Torbay
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Flaherty says that the needs and priorities of the      Flaherty’s dedication and commitment to growing

        QC remain fairly consistent since our last interview    Qikiqtaaluk Corporation and the Nunavut economy

        in 2017, and adds, “the emerging investments            are evidenced in Qikiqtaaluk Corporation’s strong
        supporting Inuit led economic and social                economic presence in the north and reputation for

        development implementation, provides for a degree       being a leader to advance major projects through
        of optimism, as we prepare our participation in         innovative approaches and creating positive and

        Nunavut’s post- covid economic recovery.”               lasting social impacts.

        “Within QC’s Group of Companies, our participation      A prominent achievement was purchasing QC

        in Nunavut’s economic sectors is broad, as such we      minority partner’s 49 percent share of Qikiqtaaluk
        provide an overview highlighting a few of our wholly    Fisheries Corporation (QFC) in 2018. QC now has

        owned subsidiaries, noting we view economic and         full ownership of QFC which enables autonomy and

        social development as one,” he says.                    independent decision-making to focus on hiring

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