Page 8 - Heart Lake First Nation (HLFN)
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build access road and large pad, manage aggregate                  CNRL                                                   CURRENT EQUIPMENT OWNED
                                                                haul for pad material, culvert install, place and pack             - Currently mixing drilling mud sumps, completed       - Purchased 10 new pieces of equipment with

                                                                all material to rough grade, return the following                  contaminated reclamation haul and clean up,            the support of John Deere over the last 3 years,

                                                                year (summer 2022) and complete storm water                        mulched pipeline rite of way, seismic program in       trackhoes , dozers, packers and skid steers
                                                                pond, final grade, plant site set up support, all                  2021/2022  pad and access construction.                including GPS technology on dozers.

        HEART LAKE CONSTRUCTION (HLC) is a 100%                 internal access roads, crane pads and support to all                                                                      - Currently owning 33 pieces of equipment including

        Band Owned and Operated Company. HLC has                contractors on site. Ongoing                                       CONNACHER OIL AND GAS                                  Dozers, Track Hoes, 40 Tonne Rock Trucks, Graders,

        been operational for 20 plus years.                                                                                        - 2019/2020 completed abandonment programs             Packers, Water Trucks, Loaders, Backhoes and Skid
                                                                TC ENERGY                                                          each winter successfully on time and budget            Steers.
        RECENT AND CURRENT PROJECTS                             - 2021/2022 existing pipeline rite of way clearing,                including, removal of all buildings, cut and caps,

                                                                supply line locators, supply mulchers and                          freeze in access, line locating and earthworks         CAPACITY

        CENOVUS ENERGY                                          supervision to re clear 80kms of pipeline rite of way.             reclamation.                                           - HLC has the capacity to complete large or small

        - Ongoing Civil Earthworks and Winter Ice Road          Medic supply and management                                        - 2021/2022 winter construction of Observation         winter programs and civil earthworks projects, our
        Construction Programs, completing SAGD pads,                                                                               Well Programs including, opening new and existing      2022/2023 winter is stacking up very well for us

        High grade access, gravel supply and placement,         HEART LAKE FIRST NATION                                            access, new well site freeze in and earthworks         and would need to at this point look at any projects

        borrow pit opening and reclamation. Complete            - 2021/2022 Completed re alignment of main                         construction, cut and caps and reclaim sites. Drilling   to be added very closely. HLC would not want to
        winter Observation Well programs including              access, borrow pit management and haul, bridge                     rig support.  Existing earthwork pad extensions, pad   put ourselves in a position to take on anything we

        snowmaking, mulching, ice road construction, creek      construction and removal of previous bridge, 27 new                post clean up after drilling,                          can not manage safely and efficiently. HLC would
        crossings, timber salvage, mulching, rig matting,       lot construction for housing with access, mulching                                                                        be the first to have a discussion with the client on

        snow hauling, crossings, muskeg depth tracking, cut     rote of way and new lots, clearing and grubbing                    CURRENT EMPLOYMENT                                     not putting ourselves in a position to fail in the

        and caps and reclamation following drilling.            of new lots, basement digs for new housing,                        - 72 current employees including office staff, operating   execution of any project opportunities presented.
                                                                landscaping and reclamation for new housing, ball                  approximately 78% Indigenous, expecting that to rise

        WOLF MIDSTREAM                                          diamond and rec grounds upgrade, gravel supply,                    in the winter of 2022/2023 to 130 employees.

        - Complete Carbon Capture Plant Site. Mulched           haul, place and pack for main access, housing and
        large plant Site footprint 2021, stripped muskeg        existing roads

        and stockpiled, complete borrow pit excavation,

        With the development of a collaborative voice for       and critical community buy-in.                                     while providing a tremendous boost for our             For more information on the Heart Lake First Nation

        business participation we will ensure a prosperous      Thanks to these benefits, many industrial                          community and the local areas they serve,” he          and to discuss equity participation, partnerships and

        economy and community for years ahead.”                 companies are now following suit, fostering                        says. “Heart Lake’s interest, drive, and businesses    possibilities, contact Mr. Bagga at
                                                                partnerships with Indigenous communities. The                      are continuously growing, which represents an

        Partner companies benefit from quality service          shifting economic landscape is making Alberta’s oil                incredible opportunity to meaningfully inclusion of
        at competitive prices, years of expertise, diverse      and gas industry evermore aware and inclusive.                     our collaborations within your current and future

        business capabilities, environmental stewardship,       “Our joint ventures meet and exceed their goals                    activities.

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