business elite canada
APRIL 2014
ings for 25 years and was an early advocate of
this approach with regard to technical docu-
mentation. However, they hold traditional hand
sketching as an essential exploratory tool that
is invaluable to the creative process. “As de-
mands increase for Building Information Man-
agement systems, we are keeping abreast of
industry trends by the upgrade of work stations
to include the Revit program, yet this and oth-
er systems are only as effective as the people
who use them. A major challenge is balancing
the employ of technologies available so that a
good balance of artful inspiration and technical
expertise is maintained, with neither dominat-
ing the other.”
If a slew of successful projects and an overall
contribution to British Columbia’s cultural land-
scape weren’t enough, the architectural firm
also enjoys and celebrates the acclamations and
recognitions garnered over three decades. The