business elite canada
APRIL 2014
CCA is undertaking a series of seminars this April
and May where owners, engineers, architects,
manufacturers and suppliers can gain knowledge
about how best to get involved with BIM and will
create joint responsibility. “You go from paper, to
mail, to fax, to email… The next generation will
come with more peripheral tools that will facili-
tate design in 3D and 4D and will bring about a
need for people to work close together.”
The construction sector has always been respon-
sive to sustainable practices in building, but the
CCA argues there are many ways to serve the en-
vironment beyond LEED. “We like to think the CCA
is pro-environmental, and we’re here to promote
practices that contribute to a healthier overall en-
vironment.” The association works with govern-
ments at all levels to promote best-practices and
mitigate the release of environmental pollutants.
“While we are not the ultimate owner of the facil-
ity, we can influence its long-term emissions pro-
file by working with owners to implement pollu-
tion mitigation systems that over the life of the
asset will significantly reduce its environmental
“The single greatest challenge facing the industry
today is workforce scarcity. With increasing re-