BEC / Aug / 2014 - page 107

privacy and aesthetic appeal are becoming in
Finding new materials is another way that
RG Solution ensures long-lasting quality and
customer loyalty. For example, it is important
to use a resistant type of flooring that will per-
form in harsh environment such as iron mining
as well as in extreme cold temperatures (i.e. in
an office trailer that is not always heated dur-
ing certain times of the year). The company has
looked to flooring materials used in Europe to
replace what was used and still used in this in-
dustry called TVA/TVC tiles. “The most impor-
tant thing for us is to protect the structure in
this case so that seven to ten years from now,
water does not go in and destroy the structure,
the floor, the wood and generate moisture
and eventually cause warping and other dam-
age,” said Dufresne. “This helps ensure that we
don’t get deterioration of the building, as we
strongly focus on value for the price.”
RG Solution has come a long way in less than
a decade in business. Dufresne recalls that the
first key project that propelled the company
forward was a 500-man camp completed for
the then new junior mining company, Consoli-
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