BEC / Aug / 2014 - page 171

produces approximately 2.2-2.4-million units
of pallets a year. HWP is also Quebec’s biggest
pallet supplier located near Windsor, Quebec.
The company also serves Ontario, the Mari-
times, and the Northern New England United
States. Tame notes that HWP currently has no
plans for expanding internationally, simply be-
cause pallets will only sustain about eight hours
of freight time, so often pallets are shipped
from Windsor, Quebec to Windsor, Ontario, or
north of Quebec, or as far as Boston, Massa-
chusetts. However, HWP is now looking to dis-
tribute across Canada.
“We had to find what the others weren’t do-
ing. We’ve had to trust in ourselves and in our
business instincts. I have also been counter-
stream, which just means that I was going in
different ways that other people weren’t trying
to do yet. It seems to have paid off with our
one-stop-shop,” said Tame.
The company provides just about everything
that is pallet-related, such as custom wood pal-
let and crate designs. All wood packaging pro-
duced by HWP surpasses the standards set out
by the Quebec Pallet and Container Manufac-
turers Association and International shipping
requirements, and complies with the strictest
ISPM-15 international heat-treatment stan-
dards to ensure cargo using wood pallets and
crates may freely cross borders anywhere in
the world. HWP has really distinguished itself
from other companies in the business by offer-
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