BEC / Aug / 2014 - page 35

the process is really about demonstrating clean
standards, engagement, and believing in the
values behind the process to get the certifica-
tion by taking a leadership initiative, which is
very important to Béland & Lapointe.
The company has also worked extensively
with long-time client, Canadian Tire, on more
than 20 buildings in Québec province over an
eight-year period, approximately six to eight
times per year. Béland & Lapointe is also look-
ing forward to bid in other provinces for Cana-
dian Tire and other major corporations too.
Moving ahead after three-decades of growth,
the company will continue its holistic approach
to the building process that incorporates part-
ner and/or client ideas, B&L’s own building
expertise, and respect for sustainable devel-
opment together with LEED standards and pio-
neering innovation technologies.
“We want to be there principally for our cli-
ents. Our expertise is known to our clients, and
even among the banks. It’s important to us to
respect our word about what we say initially
concerning budget and, in the end the value
the client can expect to get for their money. It’s
a part of our trade mark!”
business elite canada 35
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