the field of sustainable construction that is
environmentally-responsible and resource-ef-
ficient throughout a building’s life-cycle: from
siting to design, construction, operation, main-
tenance, renovation and demolition measured
in the six categories of: sustainable sites, water
efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials
and resources, indoor environmental quality,
and innovation and design process.
The Class of 2013 consists of 51 candidates
who have all earned the highest honour award-
ed to LEED-certified professionals. Only seven
Canadians have earned LEED Fellow status
since it was administered by the Canada Green
Building Council (CaCBC) in Canada in 2005.
All nominations for LEED Fellowship undergo
a stringent review by a committee of experts
appointed by the USGBC. To receive the title,
a minimum of 10 years of experience is re-
quired in green building. Candidates must have
a LEED AP specialty, and most importantly to
Martin Roy, candidates must be nominated
and backed by their peers. Martin Roy has
been an advocate for sustainable development
since he graduated his university engineering
studies. He later went on to work for an en-
gineering firm in Quebec, and then worked as
a mechanical contractor before founding his
own company dedicated to sustainable con-
sulting services. For his final year university en-
gineering project Martin Roy recalls designing
software to do energy modeling for buildings.
Software simulation allows an engineer in the
sustainable building industry to evaluate dif-
business elite canada 41
St-Hyacinthe Eco-Responsible
Horticulture Pavilion in St.
Hyacinthe, Quebec