BEC / Aug / 2014 - page 46

While it is great to receive the recognition
that propels sustainable urban design plan-
ning forward, putting values of preservation
of the environment and smart investment in
the urban landscape together with practical
implementation is a task that is best left to the
experts such as Sylvain Gariepy, urban planner
and partner in the firm since 2011. Gariepy
has worked on major urban design projects
across Montreal and Quebec. He established
Provencher Roy Urbanisme, an affiliate of
Provencher Roy & Associates, which expanded
the range of planning services offered by the
firm with specific concentration on insuring fu-
ture regulatory compliance with sustainability
initiatives. The firm is working with municipali-
ties to produce local master plans for specific
areas in the cities and with private developers
to plan their real estate development projects.
This involves working with local legislation and
regulations including zoning by-laws to intro-
duce and implement new standards and crite-
ria to improve the long-term sustainability of
the urban set up.
With all the talk of smart sustainable cit-
ies these days, Gariepy’s and the team at
Provencher Roy & Associate’s task is harder
than one might imagine. It is often a matter of
integrating sustainable action into the munici-
pal regulations that already exist in a city, such
as a zoning by-law or other by-laws.
Credit: Provencher_Roy / Société de développement Angus
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