BEC / Aug / 2014 - page 53

business elite canada 53
to attract talent and a more flexible long-term
capital. The initiative began in 2005 with the
board’s sustainability framework that takes
an active role in determining that the future
investment make-up of the city is compatible
with that framework.
“We believe that if we’re controlling about
2000-acres, and people are buying land from
governments through us, it has to be differ-
ent—it has to be green. In that way, we should
be an active agent of market transformation,”
said Campbell. “What we’re trying to do is po-
sition Toronto in the next century as being a
great example of how to build great cities.”
Campbell, who has an MBA from the Univer-
sity of Toronto and a BA in Engineering from
Carleton University, began his career with a
passion for civil engineering and worked in the
construction industry for nearly two decades.
He held senior positions in the real estate divi-
sions of Bell Canada in 1989, and its subsidiary
company, Bimcor Inc., which mainly manages
pension fund assets. During his first career
with Bell Canada, Campbell put his passion
Queens Quay Rendering
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