BEC / Aug / 2014 - page 48

tiatives through planning and design concepts.
The challenge for Provencher Roy is to make
them aware of the applicable planning tools,
such as knowing the zoning by-laws of a mu-
nicipality and then work with them to evolve
existing standards to reflect these new and ex-
citing sustainable initiatives.
One milestone project for Provencher Roy
that incorporates sustainable planning and
design slated for completion in the next 10
years is the sustainable development of the
Technopôle Angus. The Société de développe-
ment Angus (Angus Development Society) re-
tained the services of Provencher Roy last year
to complete its Technopôle Angus sustainable
development plan for its central section and
surrounding properties, which is flexible in or-
der to allow buildings of different sizes to meet
various requirements and needs expressed
by businesses. The objective is to consolidate
the employment sector within a diversified,
vibrant, sustainable environment and thereby
re-attach this isolated area to the surround-
ing urban fabric. The fundamental sustainabil-
ity principles guiding the project are a quality
environment, a permeable urban fabric and
a diversity of uses, and the integration of at-
tractive public spaces. The plan represents the
roadmap for the next 10 or so years by which
Angus will continue to develop and regenerate
itself for the future.
Credit: Provencher_Roy / Société de développement Angus
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