business elite canada 57
area—about 44 others—that are in some way,
not entirely, but in some way catalyzed or in-
fluenced positively by what we’re doing,” said
Campbell. “That’s another 9.6-billion invest-
ment that’s going to generate $3.3-billion in
tax revenue. So investing in infrastructure and
really laying the groundwork in an area is cer-
tainly paying back for the government.”
The team has taken a practical approach to
achieving its mandate while generating rev-
enue by looking at what has worked and what
has not in terms of sustainability and economic
growth and development for other global cit-
ies. So far that transformation under Water-
front Toronto initiatives headed by Campbell
has seen the development of Corktown Com-
mon, Sherbourne Common, Sugar Beach and
the Central Waterfront wave-decks and board-
walks, and the fairly recent Queens Quay re-
vitalization. Waterfront Toronto has been the
recipient of over 50 local, regional, national
and international awards each year for its lead-
ership particularly in the category of sustain-
ability since 2004. In 2012, Waterfront Toronto
was awarded The Globe Award for Environ-
mental Excellence in Urban Sustainability for
a Minimum Green Building Requirement, and
also the BEX (Building Exchange) International
award in the category of “Best Futuristic Design
Award” for the Keating Channel Precinct Plan.
A leader in urban waterfront revitalization in-
novation, Waterfront Toronto is not only con-
Ontario Square Rendering