industry we have to overcome
the idea that construction is
part of the old economy and
not high-tech, when the real-
ity is there are significant ele-
ments of the industry that are
reliant upon new technology.”
Essentially, the laptop replac-
es the hammer as the most
important tool in the sector’s
toolbox. The BCCA has been
at the forefront of address-
ing that kind of change with
BidCentral, a complete online
bidding system connected to
the BCCA’s plan room, with
full project information avail-
able online, electronic noti-
fications of business oppor-
tunities for its members, and
a number of unique services
for public or private projects
which make the full project
management and procure-
ment process more effective
and efficient. This service has
been so successful that asso-
ciations in other provinces are
actively exploring licensing
BidCentral elements for their
own use.
“The bidding process is con-
ducted in an online environ-
ment, which eliminates the
opportunity to submit a non-
compliant bid. This has a
huge impact on how business
is done… it’s a really exciting
innovation,” says McLachlan.
The paperless BidCentral ser-
vice is also an industry-lead-
ing element in the BCCA’s pur-
suit of healthy environmental
practices. Concerned with
“reducing the footprint we’re
leaving on the planet,” the
Manley McLachlan
business elite canada