needs on site are Octane services, MC Exhibits,
True Services and Renaissance Management.
“We don’t think of these guys just as ven-
dors, but true partners,” said Heffernan.
Good management and maintaining solid
partnerships is what it’s all about, once you fac-
tor in ASTOUND’s award winning design innova-
tions. ASTOUND was the recipient of Oakville’s
OABE 2013 Large Business of the Year Award,
and listed in the Fab50, which is a list of the
50 best design and fabrication houses in North
America. Above all, Heffernan acknowledges
that ASTOUND would not be where it is today
without its strong business and employee rela-
“Our success is based on the relationships
that we have with our co-workers, colleagues
and clients. When we’re on a tradeshow floor
or any other site, we are dealing with com-
plex list of contractors, partners, clients and
our own field personnel, so it’s about building
those relationships and working with a spirit of
cooperation,” said Heffernan.
JULY 2014
business elite canada