business elite canada
JUNE 2014
energy supply requirements
in a profitable and sustain-
able way by more than 50 per
cent, and water supply re-
quirements by more than 40
per cent.
“Many of these innova-
tions were driven from a fi-
nancial model that demanded
we find ways to minimize en-
ergy and water consumption
where and when it was being
used, to reuse energy and wa-
ter, and only provide what is
required, when it is required
at the quality it is required,
anything more is wasteful,
and waste costs money. By
applying these principles, we
arrived at an integrated dis-
trict energy and water shar-
ing system with the potential
to reduce energy and water
consumption by more than
50%, the TITUS District Ener-
gy Sharing System (DESS).”
“From a business stand-
point it just makes economic
sense to do that. The reason
that is important is because
communities have already
spent money in energy and
water, and by recovering that
energy and water within the