“We developed a small,
highly cohesiveand specialized
delivery team for the project,”
recalled Johnston. “And again
the project was completed on
time and on budget.”
On the $1.6 billion, 30
km Montreal Bypass Project
which was also delivered as
a P3, CJI participated on the
concessionaire team to assist
with team building at the Re-
quest for Qualifications stage,
and in the preparation of
submissions and costing dur-
ing the Request for Proposals
stage. Their involvement was
mainly related to the opera-
tions, maintenance and reha-
bilitation plans for the 30-year
term of the concession.
Over the last 15 years, CJI
has participated on both own-
er and concessionaire teams
on many of Canada’s major
P3 projects. These have in-
cluded the $600 million Sea-
to-Sky Upgrade, the $2 billion
Canada Line Project, the $1.2
billion Evergreen Line Project,
the $700 million South Fra-
ser Perimeter Road, and the
$2.4 billion Port Mann / High-
way 1 Project. They have also
contributed their technical
management expertise to the
Southeast, Northwest, and
Northeast Anthony Henday
Drive (Edmonton Ring Road)
P3 projects in Alberta, as well
as the Northeast Stoney Trail
(Calgary Ring Road) P3 proj-
ect. They are currently a team
member on the Regina Bypass
CJI was also involved in
the $1.5 billion Windsor-Es-
sex Parkway P3 project which
commenced in 2010. CJI per-
formed much of the same
role as they did on the Mon-
Left to Right - John Collings - Robin Johnston - David Collings
business elite canada
JUNE 2014