CJI had their early experi-
ence with P3 projects in the
1990s in Hong Kong and Ma-
laysia. Their first major Cana-
dian project was the Frederic-
ton-Moncton Highway Project
at a capital cost of approxi-
mately $750 million. CJI led
the team that represented the
government of New Bruns-
wick on technical matters for
project development, docu-
mentation, procurement and
delivery of the project to com-
“As technical manager, we
committed key personnel to
a project office in Fredericton
and kept seats on Canadian
Airlines fairly warm traveling
back and forth for six years,”
recalls Johnston. “That was
the role we have built on and
have applied to subsequent
projects. Our team was inte-
grated with members of the
client’s staff with the view to
transferring the knowledge
and understanding of the pro-
cesses. The project was com-
missioned successfully in 2001
on time and on budget. New
Brunswick has since adapted
the process to other provincial
P3 projects.”
The Golden Ears Bridge
Project in British Columbia
was another major P3 project
that CJI was involved in. CJI’s
commitment to the Golden
Ears Bridge Project continued
for seven years and reached
completion in 2009. The proj-
ect, having a capital cost of
approximately $850-million,
included development of a
new road system integrated
with existing networks north
and south of the Fraser River,
connected by a new 3 kilo-
metre long six-lane toll river
crossing in eastern Metro Van-
couver. CJI’s role was technical
director for the development
and procurement phases, and
implementation manager dur-
ing the design-build phase. CJI
was awarded the Consulting
Engineers of British Colum-
bia’s 2006 Annual Award for
Engineering Excellence for its
work in managing the devel-
opment, scope, documenta-
tion and statutory approvals
for the project.
JUNE 2014
business elite canada