By Leah Kellar
For a company with the
unconventional aim of stay-
ing relatively small, Collings
Johnston Inc. (CJI)—special-
izing in technical manage-
ment and consulting for major
transportation infrastructure
projects— has secured and
completed leadership roles on
some of the biggest projects
across Canada.
In only its 15
year, CJI’s na-
tion-wide experience features
roles on well-known projects
including BC’s $2.4-billion
Port Mann Highway #1 Im-
provement Project, Ontario’s
$1.5 - billion Windsor - Essex
Parkway Project, Quebec’s
$1.6-billion AutoRoute 30, as
well as projects in the Yukon
Territory and Alaska.
“We’ve achieved our objec-
tives which are basically to re-
tain a core group of manage-
ment staff and be selected for
key roles on major projects,
which we have done very suc-
Left to Right - Karen O’Connor - John Collings - Jeannie Bates - Tania Stracuzza - Robin Johnston - David Collings
JUNE 2014
business elite canada