of life will be able to walk out
on it and feel part of the wil-
derness weather.” Those that
may not have previously had
the opportunity to lead an ac-
tive lifestyle will have access
to a thrilling platform with
the feeling of security still in-
tact. “It will turn a few heads
for people who are living busy
lives in the city and lure them
out to the park – once they
have that taste of what Jasper
National Park is all about, it
will make them want more.”
Not only providing a re-
freshed visitor experience,
the Glacier Skywalk commits
to a low environmental foot-
print. Brewster Travel Canada,
through contractor Golder &
Associates, carried out wild-
life monitoring studies prior
to construction in June of
2011, and are committed to
maintaining those studies to-
day. Meeting Parks Canada`s
they built the landscape in
an area that does not have a
huge impact on its surround-
ings. “While building in this
unique area, there was a lot
of consideration poured into
meeting the environmental
standards,” says Hendrikse.
“From a construction per-
spective, building on a cliff
edge and transporting mate-
rials to the top was challeng-
ing as well.”
The structure is cantile-
vered deep into the bedrock,
rather than being supported
JUNE 2014
business elite canada