BEC / June / 2014 - page 33

undoubtedly bring to the On-
tario student community.
The special purpose build-
ing is also utility and energy
conscious with a perspective
to reduce utility consumption
and by extension operating
costs as well as the impact
of the building on the envi-
ronment. “We at York have
embraced sustainable devel-
opment. It manifests itself
through the building which
has LEED Silver as the design
objective, and is positioned
to achieve LEED Gold,” says
Francki. With an eye towards
21st-century learning, the
institution will encompass
through the expansion of ex-
isting building automation
systems to control the envi-
ronment and consumption of
utilities. As well, digitally con-
trolled glass will be installed
that will selectively increase
or decrease the dimming in
the large panels of glass, al-
lowing the minimization of
solar glare or the optimiza-
tion of solar heat at the stroke
of a switch.
Prior to constructing the
new engineering school, the
likes of which has not been
built in Canada for over 40
years, extensive research was
conducted where industry
leaders, governments, busi-
nesses and alumni were con-
sulted to find out what was
lacking in their education, and
the majority stated that it was
JUNE 2014
business elite canada
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