120 business elite canada
lation involved in the process, and contractors
have many questions. Accordingly, ACQ offers
free legal advice service, and also provides ad-
vice in the health and safety and labour rela-
tions fields.
Hamel says that ACQ is able to provide con-
tractors with one-on-one attention in this way,
and also helps them in a broader way by edu-
cating within the association at higher levels.
“That’s the way we develop ourselves. It’s
not because we are better than the others,
it’s probably because there is more legislation
here than anywhere in the world,” said Hamel.
One of the biggest benefits of being a mem-
ber of ACQ is the support that it provides to
and among contractors within the industry.
ACQ has a program in place to listen to the
contractors and to make presentations to the
government at federal, provincial, and munici-
pal levels, which is very efficient.