business elite canada 175
dent regulator that is not directly linked to
government or industry. Rather it makes de-
cisions that reflect the public interest. CAPP,
contrastly, reflects the interests of industry.
“We are ensuring that the public of Alber-
tans is protected. Our interest is environmen-
tal safety and public stewardship, that’s really
where we’re coming from,” said Barter.
The provincial Responsible Energy Develop-
ment Act of 2013 to independently regulate
the province’s energy sector governs the AER.
Public safety is the backbone of this regula-
tion, as well as fair and responsible discovery,
development and delivery of energy resourc-
es. To achieve this goal, the AER’s Compliance
Assurance Program consists of three compo-
nents: education, inspections and audits, and
enforcement. The AER delivers regular educa-
tional programs designed to improve and as-
sist industry with compliance through explana-
tions, examples and demonstrations. Regular
monitoring activities are also undertaken by
AER to detect noncompliance with its energy
and environmental statutes, including surveil-
lance, inspections, audits, investigations, self-
regulation, and complaints response.