194 business elite canada
Alberta Environment requires major carbon
emitters to reduce their footprint by 15%.
However, the Regional Municipality of Wood
Buffalo project is a voluntary and self-promot-
ed initiative to reduce the environmental im-
pact of its regional operations and not subject
to the above requirements. The Regional Mu-
nicipality of Wood Buffalo made this invest-
ment to reduce its carbon footprint, reduce
the environmental impacts of its closed landfill
and to showcase “best practice” in waste man-
agement methane reduction. The goal was to
establish the region as a global leader in en-
vironmental stewardship and these principles
are further supported within the region’s sus-
tainable development plans. Carbon neutrality
was also a significant factor in the decision. As
well, the size of the landfill, age of the waste
and newly established Alberta Carbon offset
program, made this project an ideal fit for the
first large scale application of this technology.
“The Aerobic Bioreactor project is a signifi-
cant milestone for the region and will vastly
Two aerobic and one anaerobic laboratory scale landfill simulators equipped with gas and leachate collection sys-
tems and monitoring devices for the optimization studies.