provincial and regional levels,
Tuckey hopes the industry will
continue to be at the table for
when the next generation of
public policy is created.
“We will continue to advocate
for future homeowners of the
GTA who really don’t have
a constituency advocate for
them,” says Tuckey. The final
objective is to tell the story of
the industry to the public.
“I think the story needs to be
told. We are currently working
on a communications strat-
egy that will help us improve
the ways we reach out to our
members the public and gov-
ernment agencies,” says Tuck-
ey. The message they hope to
get across is the positive im-
pact the industry has on the
local communities.
BILD members play a crucial
role working on high-quality
and world-class homes that
the GTA is known for. With-
out needing or asking for any
government assistance, BILD
members create jobs and con-
tinue to ensure the GTA is vi-
brant and attractive to those
who want to live there.
“We live in a remarkable coun-
try and we have a remarkable
building and land develop-
ment group in this associa-
tion who actually build these
homes and build the commer-
cial developments and build
the employment to make this
region an attractive region to
the people who choose Can-
ada to be their home. I think
it’s a remarkable success sto-
ry,” says Tuckey.
“We want the public to under-
stand the impact our industry
has on the economy and how
important the role our mem-
bers play is in making the GTA
a great place to live, work and
APRIL 2013
business elite canada