Page 44 - BEC / AUG / 2021
P. 44
building design and showcase appropriate
development within a watershed.
The number of staff working at TRCA has grown
considerably since its main office at 5 Shoreham
Drive in Toronto was constructed in the early
1970s. The original office, which was built to
accommodate 80 staff, eventually no longer served
the TRCA’s employee numbers. TRCA’s vision was
to consolidate staff working in multiple facilities to
one central location to reduce travel time between
TRCA offices, and allow resource and staff sharing.
After an extensive analysis, it was determined that
a newly constructed office building on the TRCA-
The new administrative building will allow TRCA
owned land at 5 Shoreham Drive was the most
to provide optimal customer service and support;
cost-effective solution to meet the needs of the
achieve accommodation standards for staff
comparable to our regional and municipal partners