Page 56 - BEC / AUG / 2021
P. 56

and other COVID-related restrictions caused many        to provide our full services to all Canadian small

        businesses to be entirely closed for months on end.     businesses, regardless of whether or not they
        Several businesses, like gyms, bowling alleys, and      could afford to pay our annual fee.  We’ve served

        indoor restaurant dining were closed in the City of     thousands of small businesses who have never
        Toronto for over 400 days. Ontario holds the record     been paying members as well.

        for the world’s longest lockdowns.  The impact of

        these restrictions has left many businesses hanging     We helped in several important ways.  One, CFIB
        on by a thread.  The average small business across      surveyed our members regularly throughout the

        Canada has been left with $160,000 in new COVID-        pandemic and used this data to push governments

        related debt.  CFIB is projecting that 180,000          to create or improve several of the key small
        businesses will permanently close as a result of the    business support programs.  I can report that the

        pandemic.                                               wage subsidy, rent subsidy, CEBA loan program,

                                                                and provincial small business grant programs would
        Q: How was CFIB able to offer support during the        either not have existed or not functioned nearly as

        last 18 months?                                         well had CFIB not conducted detailed surveys and
        A: I’m immensely proud of what the CFIB team was        lobbied the heck out of politicians.

        able to do to support Canada’s small businesses

        through the pandemic.  Even though my association       Two, we took over 100,000 calls directly from small
        is nearly entirely funded by membership fees from       business owners to provide one-on-one counselling

        small business owners, we made an early decision        and support since COVID began.  Many of these

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