BEC / AUG / 2017 - page 105

Grossi, President of 3PL Links.
That information can then be sent to sales
team, procurement team, finance depart-
ment, the operational team, or to all four,
to optimize business efficiency. “Through
our business intelligence tools, we make
it easier and effortless for Supply Chain
Operators to forward critical data to their
finance department in specified data for-
mats which traditionally took three to five
days to complete and get into format. Now,
we were able to give clients this data at
the press of a button.”
It’s instant access to information like this
that gives 3PL Link’s multinational com-
panies the advantage they demand and
require to stay competitive in their field,
while achieving cost savings of up to 30
per cent.
3PL Links was founded in 1998 on Gros-
si’s 36 years of experience in the supply
chain industry. The company’s free cost
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