BEC / DEC / 2016 - page 70

nately, non-compliance meant no funding,
but this was a risk the AFCN decided to
“It is the ACFN’s desire to gain their in-
dependence through economic develop-
ment. The funding that they don't receive
from the government, they currently re-
ceive through Acden, so it is imperative
that we continue to grow and provide con-
sistent, high quality service,” Flett said.
Aside from supporting ACFN, Acden is a
proud supporter of the RMWB commu-
nity. Through sponsorship, donations and
employee participation, Acden provides
support for many charities, organizations
and associations in Fort McMurray and
Fort Chipewyan. From the Canadian Breast
Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure
(three-time winner of the Corporate Spirit
Award) to educational institutions like the
Athabasca Delta Community School and
Keyano College, to health initiatives like
the Northern Lights Health Foundation,
Acden’s community efforts are even lon-
ger than its list of business ventures.
In 2014, Acden partnered with Shell Can-
ada to provide educational materials to
schools in the Regional Municipality of
Wood Buffalo. About 15,000 pounds of
supplies left over from a contract site,
including paper, file folders and binders,
70 business elite canada
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