are well located,” Bernard said, calling the
city the gateway to the Atlantic provinc-
es. “You've got Quebec City three hours
one way and you’ve got Fredericton three
hours the other way.”
The area is bustling with a growing popula-
tion.What it now needs are more commer-
cial ventures to serve residents and draw
in visitors, which is why Bernard and the
MMEDC are working to bring industry and
retail services to the area. Routinely con-
sulting with the local municipality and pro-
vincial government, including the premier
of New Brunswick, Bernard is focusing her
efforts on attracting new businesses and
securing investments.
When the CEDI (Community Economic
Development Initiative) pilot project was
launched in January 2013 by the Federa-
tion of Canadian Municipalities and Cando,
an Aboriginal organization specializing in
community economic development, the
“We are going to be the business hub of the region.”
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