BEC / DEC / 2016 - page 87

Madawaska Maliseet First Nation was
one of the seven First Nations that was
selected out of 280 applicants. Through
participation, the group has been working
with the City of Edmundston to develop
communications strategies and promote
The Grey Rock Power Centre is the pride
and joy of the MMEDC. Sitting adjacent to
Edmundston and next to the Trans-Canada
Highway, the Centre is rapidly becoming
a significant roadside attraction, serving
not only locals, but tourists and passing
motorists. Bernard is working tirelessly to
bring new businesses to this spot
so that locals and travellers alike
will have a place to rest, eat,
shop and fill up on gas. Already
there is a casino, truck stops,
strip mall, food court and car
dealership. Nearby, some land
is in the process of being de-
veloped for a hotel.
“We are going to be the
business hub of the re-
gion,” Bernard said ex-
citedly. She predicts a
significant economic
boost in the next
two years due to
ity. With 70 acres
of prime property right off the
Trans-Canada Highway, she can already
business elite canada 87
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