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         fertilizer or another beneficial option,” says Glass.
         “Within our EA goals we are hoping to get 50 per

         cent of our biosolid for a land application reuse.”                                       Plumbing

                                                                                                Process Piping

         The G.E. Booth WWTP planning was done in                                                    HVAC

         accordance to best practises. Typically, things                                        Fire Protection
         like cogeneration power reduction or chemical

         reduction are top of mind for engineers. Glass                                          Site Services
         says this project looked more into long-term land                                     AREAS OF WORK:

                                                                                                   New Construction
         planning.                                                                                 Design/Build
                                                                                                   Additions & Renovations
                                                                                               SPECIALIZING IN:
                                                                                               Water Treatment Plants

         “The G. E. Booth site, is 95 per cent built out and                                       Pumping Stations
                                                                                                   Multi-Story  Condominium
         the landmass is irregular, - (and two conservation                                        Schools
                                                                                                   Long-Term Care Centres
         areas overlapping), so it’s a congested space,”                                           Hotels
         says Glass. “We ended up altering the way we                                          Malfar Mechanical Inc.
                                                                                               Since 1988     Frank Micoli, President
                                                                                               144 Woodstream Blvd., Woodbridge, ON L4L 7Y3
                                                                                               T: 905-850-1242      F: 905-850-2630
         did the masterplan. We considered within the                                

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