Page 63 - BEC / DEC / 2022
P. 63
began construction during the COVID-19 pandemic, on the map as a must-see destination for major
so it was a really impactful, special moment for conventions and events, generating significant
guests to see the progress we’d made when they economic value and bolstering tourism and
arrived at Stampede Park for the Calgary Stampede hospitality in the city. It’s another example of the
last July. Now that the steel structure is complete, design excellence that Calgary has become known
you can see the expansion from so many vantage for through projects like the Central Library and the
points all around Calgary, and it truly is changing National Music Centre at Studio Bell.”
Calgary’s skyline.”
“The real sense of accomplishment will be once
The proof is in the pudding: many rooms are the building opens and seeing people use the
already booked for 2024 and beyond, including a venue and witness the success of many sleepless
25,000-person conference booked in June of 2025, nights in trying to achieve something experiential,”
a scale of gathering that the BMO Centre would not shares Newton. “I would suggest it is far more art
have been able to accommodate pre-expansion. than science. That said, I truly believe the team has
designed a building that not only I will be proud of,
“It’s so rewarding to be part of the BMO Centre but one that all of Calgary will be proud of.”
expansion project, not only because of its scale
and striking design, but because of what it means For more information, please visit
for Calgary,” says Coles. “We are putting Calgary