Page 9 - BEC / DEC / 2022
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KIA also oversees a number of programs and Through that involvement in the business sector,
organizations that advance KIA’s mission. Among Sakku would ultimately generate new revenue
them is the business arm of KIA: Sakku Investments for KIA, which would strengthen KIA’s ability to
Corporation. improve quality of life for Inuit and fulfill the promise
of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement,” says
SAKKU INVESTMENTS CORP. David Kakuktinniq, President and CEO of Sakku
Investments Corporation.
Created in 1989 by the Kivalliq Inuit Association
(KIA), Sakku is the development corporation of “At the time, business activity in the region was
KIA and is deemed an Inuit Birthright Corporation, not as robust as it is today—and so initially, our
proudly representing the interests of all Inuit in the purpose relied on building the local business sector
Kivalliq region. and capitalize on private sector opportunities. This
involved acquiring and creating local enterprises,
“Sakku was formed to participate in the private and establishing the essential services required
sector, creating opportunities to position Inuit by newer forms of industry in the North, notably
as active participants in the economy and the mining,” says Kakuktinniq. “Sakku also focused on
social fabric of what would later become Nunavut. developing the partnerships, teams and expertise