We can’t bottle it and save it
for later, it has to be used at
the time it was generated.”
Despite overseeing the proj-
ect in its entirety, the aptly
named Mr. Power firmly be-
lieves that “it’s not the efforts
of a single person; it’s the ef-
forts of the team we have in
place that carries the burden
of getting this project done.”
He continued, “There are hun-
dreds that we could name be-
cause it’s not just one person
that gets credit for this; it’s
the work of almost the entire
company on this particular
project, from the CEO down.”
As a committed member of
the community, Hydro One
strives to “work with the local
communities along the way.”
A lot of their interaction with
the community has to deal
with concerns regarding the
environment. “We [have] a
very good team of… engi-
neers in the biodiversity pro-
gram… We go back and cre-
ate the environment as it was
before we set foot on the land,
and in some cases we’ve even
enhanced it as part of our
footprint when we are depart-
ing. That will be an ongoing,
‘years to come’ initiative that
is very closely monitored.”
When asked which aspect
of the project he was most
proud of, Mr. Power’s answer
was instantaneous. “Safety.
We contributed 2.5 million
man-hours of technical and
construction contribution. Of
that number, in excess of 1.5
million of it was direct con-
struction contribution, and
over the 30-month period we
did not have a single lost-time
injury on that job anywhere,
and there was some 40-45
construction sites ongoing at
business elite canada