every day. “I have a fantas-
tic team; I have a committed
management and production
team. I have people who have
been with me for over 20 years
and we have a lot of knowl-
edge,” says Veit. Shop floor
improvements are important
to the firm. “We’re not auto-
mated to the extent that our
competitors are,” says Veit,
“we’re able to listen to our
customers and being a batch-
driven company and custom
house enables us to respond
much quicker than our com-
petitors,” she adds.
In order to continuously im-
prove their products, stream-
line their processes, and
provide solutions to their cus-
tomers, Bäckerhaus Veit in-
vests considerably in research
and development each year.
Their solutions are based on
the latest food trends and
market intelligence. They re-
main market leaders in par-
baking technology and uti-
lize their own customized
"shock" high-humidity freez-
ing technology, both of which
allow for the highest fresh-
ness of their bread products.
“We love innovating and giv-
ing our customers a different
taste experience,” says Veit.
Going forward, Bäckerhaus
Veit will be moving from their
current expanded 54,000
square foot facility to a much
larger 100,000+ square foot
facility in 2015. The firm will
also be exploring additional
distribution in food service,
retail, and individually pack-
aged products.
business elite canada