BEC / December / 2013 - page 104

family [homes] for the people
who are going to build that
building and live in it. It’s re-
ally for the user. That’s what
I’ve always done, that’s my
focus, and that’s what I love.
Commercial work is, I’m sure,
satisfying for those who love
commercial work, but this is
more important to me be-
cause this is where you live.
People spend a lot of time in
their homes and the quality of
that space and how it affects
you is a pretty important re-
Another responsibility for
KB Design is to create envi-
ronmentally friendly homes.
“One of the most important
things to being environmen-
tally friendly and green is the
use of energy that it takes to
keep a house going after it’s
made—keeping a house warm
or cool… The idea is to not
business elite canada
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