With a prior history as a cabi-
netmaker and joiner, Keith
has practical building expe-
rience to go along with his
impeccable design skills. On
top of that, his creative back-
ground as a professional mu-
sician has given him a unique
insight into design work.
“[I’m] very much interested in
how things are made and why
things go together… [I’m]
also very keen on the idea of
how space affects people…
not just the functional level
of walking around or sitting
or looking out at a view but
the energy of the space, the
materials you use, the con-
text, how you relate it to the
natural world and things like
that. That’s been a focus and
an interest from the very be-
ginning for me.”
The company motto, ‘We cre-
ate our homes – then they cre-
business elite canada