guaranteeing their customers
are satisfied. “I’m not in the
glass industry, I’m in the cus-
tomer service industry,” says
Wilson. The firm’s goals are
customer service based and
they seek to ensure that their
clients are always happy and
that they exceed delivery and
quality expectations. “Coming
from construction to glass,
we set out to exceed their ex-
pectations and it’s worked ex-
tremely well,” he adds.
“We’re a 280 000 square foot
facility, but we’re not a fac-
tory - we’re a custom fabricat-
ing shop,” says Wilson. To en-
sure quality of glass, Agnora
uses leading-edge technology
and the largest, top per form-
ing equipment in North Amer-
ica that allows them to fabri-
cate inventive commercial and
residential glass. Additionally,
they wash their glass after
cutting and check for imper-
fections with a digital scan-
ner before glass is fabricated.
“Our process takes a bit lon-
ger initially and is more dili-
gent, but it ensures a higher
quality and saves time in the
end,” he adds.
“We are very proud of our sta-
tus as the only North Ameri-
can fabricator certified by
Saint-Gobain Glass to fabri-
cate their high per formance
LowE ‘soft coated’ glass,
which means we can make
insulated glass units up to
126” x 236” – versus the 96” x
144” maximum conventional
size that is readily available in
North America,” says Kevin
Nash, Agnora’s Marketing
and Sales Director. “This is
obviously a huge differentiat-
ing factor for Architectural
Glass in North America.”
Being in a niche field comes
with a set of challenges, such
as hiring skilled workers. “It is
business elite canada