BEC / December / 2013 - page 83

Masters in Mechanical Engi-
neering and brings with him
years of mechanical building
systems expertise, which he
shares with his skilled team
of professional engineers, en-
gineering technicians and de-
signers. What ultimately sets
the firm apart from the rest is
its emphasis on green initia-
tives and sustainable design
practices in everyday work.
“When I first came into the
business my Masters was
done in solar engineering,
and my first job was starting
an energy conservation com-
pany in Waterloo fresh out of
university, so I guess I’ve al-
ways had an affinity towards
understanding and looking at
how we use energy and how
we can reduce energy use,
so that influences any of the
projects that we do,” says Fer-
guson. “We approach every
project to look for opportu-
nities to conserve resources
and energy, nowadays that’s
just good business sense and
frankly it’s part of most com-
panies’ brands so we don’t
need to talk too many clients
into that.” Sustainability in
design becomes more of an
ingrained aspect in the firm’s
business model and it has tak-
en concrete steps to set itself
apart from other companies
by including an “in-house
modeling group that gives us
immediate feedback [and] al-
lows us to test and validate
any ideas we get.”
As well, staying innovative is
essential to the company’s dil-
igent business model, which
does not come without some
bumps in the road. “We have
a formal training program
where we identify skill sets
and look for areas we need to
business elite canada
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