doing and make sure you are
staying on top of it.”
This no-nonsense approach
seems to have served him
well. But, looking to the fu-
ture, how does Jablonsky, Ast
& Partners bring in new cli-
“We are an established com-
pany and people come to us
themselves. We have a very
good website in which we list
all the projects we have done.
We have a personal contract
with our clients from time to
time. We take them to lunch
and we play golf. [Laughs]
Word of mouth is the best ad-
Jablonsky, Ast & Partners
strive to achieve excellent
service and provide opti-
mal solutions to structure of
buildings based on their vast
experience in design. With
nearly 60 years of experience
satisfying customers across
Canada, they are one of the
best in the business when it
comes to providing workable
and cost effective solutions to
problems related to structural
Paul Ast
Principal Partner and
Chief Engineer
business elite canada